Welcome to my site about my life as an exchange student in the USA. Here you can find pictures, movies and stories about my life here.


13-01-02 - Fixed the computer problem. One new movie. Two new sections in Pictures. X-Mas Light Show and Ice Boating.

12-01-02 - I were going to add lots of new pictures and movies but my computer is messed up so I cant do very much.. Ill try to fix it as soon as I can.

26-12-01 - Added two new movies.

12-12-01 - After only two days work I figured out how my dad wanted it, and did it so. Also added a new section in pictures: St. Luis. One new story in Stories.

10-12-01 - My dad told me he didn't really like the navigation on the site because it took so long time to load every picture. So on my dad's request I started to work on getting that better.

01-12-01 - Noticed that I had forgot to upload the 3 new skateboarding pictures. Did that now.

* The dates are European*

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